Monday, March 06, 2006

Just For Kicks and Giggles

A mercantile license fee will make things more expensive for the consumer.

Ok, let’s do the math. Numbers don’t lie, people do.

Just for kicks and giggles let’s use round numbers for those that hate math like me.

Residents pay 82% of the municipal budget; businesses shoulder 16% of the budget. That’s not only disproportionate, it’s just not fair!

Large anchor stores: Target/Wal-Mart/Sears $2,000 per year

Large corporations: Hill International/Davis Enterprises/Parker McCay $2,000 per year

Now, let’s divide $2000 by 365 days in the year. The survey says $5.47 a day.

Target/Wal-Mart/Sears will pass on this giant $5.47 a day increase to the consumer? Let’s do the math, even if, each store added 1 cent to 547 products, which, in any of these stores, one register can ring in a day. That’s an absurd thought, not going to happen.

Let’s talk about Hill International/Davis Enterprises/Parker McCay, same numbers apply. It would be virtually impossible for these corporations to even justify passing on $5.47 to consumers. Quantify it this way, if Parker McCay has a monthly retainer in Evesham of $7,500, which translates into $250.00 per day (without billing for extras) and Davis Enterprises owns the Promenade, Allison Apts., Sagemore, the Weston Club, etc. I am sure the $5.47 doesn’t pay for Starbucks for two of the owners. Justify passing it on to the consumer, not possible. Same applies for Hill and all other large corporations doing business in Evesham.

Let’s face it, they benefit from the location, Evesham is the center of the “money” towns.

It’s about time, we as taxpayers get a break, without breaking our backs.

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