Monday, November 14, 2005

At What Cost?

I fully supported the Presidents agenda to go into Iraq and free the people. The war has many casualties, but can we put a price on freedom? It is astonishing that thousands of individuals walked miles to assert their right to vote, even under threat of death. This great country of ours has afforded us this right, which truly is a privilege, yet voter apathy still exists.

I am a fiscal conservative with moderate views of the world. Both parties Republican and Democrat a like have their strengths and weaknesses. Is one better than the other? Personally, I don't think so. They have both stopped representing the people they claim to and elections can and have been bought. Sad, but true.

This country was founded on Judea/Christian beliefs. Yet, God is debated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Majority used to rule, now, the lone, loud voice is answered. Maybe, the answer is a new party, something that actually represents the people. Democracy is a wonderful gift, we as Americans must learn how to use it.

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